We're PREGNANT! This journey has been so very long and we are thrilled to announce this news. It comes after years of ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages and one failed IVF round in the fall of 2020. Of course nothing worth having comes easy and so far as been the most special experience of my life. I just can't wait until she comes and I can hold her in my arms. I will just literally lose my mind with excitement!
Currently I am14 weeks along and we have told family near and far and close friends even coworkers. The outpouring of support has been incredible! I have told clients as well and even got some Costco wipes from my bride - who I told I think the wipes may last a week! I am very prepared for the sleepless night and diaper changes. We definitely have signed up for an adventure.
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my amazing fertility clinic The Center for Reproductive Services and Dr. Grow in Farmington! The team has been incredible to work with even with the struggles of doing all this during Covid. The stress could've broken me but it didn't! Michael and I have told some friends and family but making it internet official makes it a bit more real.
Just wanted to formally announce on my blog since this is part of my life! Enjoy some photos along the way...