Hey everyone I wanted to take a moment and write about some changes in my business. Since establishing in 2016, I have been consistently and sometimes not as consistently been growing. I get it that progress takes time. I guess I didn't know where photography would take me all the places it has and meeting all the people I have. Next year will be my fifth year in business and that makes me over the moon! This is the time in most businesses where they either decide to cut their losses or press on. With that looming I decided to makes some amazing changes that I am excited about!
The woman responsible for the change is Katelyn James Photography. She is a wedding photographer and educator from Virginia and ever since I was introduced I was hooked! Her personality, her story and adorable family and the fact that she is teal obsessed just like me! Her style really captured my attention because it is the direction I strive for. I invested in her Business Course in the fall of 2019 and also get monthly behind the scenes videos through her KJ All Access Subscription. All Access means I get to follow her on wedding days and engagement sessions and can better navigate certain scenarios that might pop up on your wedding day.
Since the purchases my poses are better, my editing faster and the business side is more productive and efficient. In truth, I tend to tell people I am an accidental business owner and not very good at running it. The course is 12 modules of goodness - I've changed parts of my website, email templates, streamlined social media, blogging more consistently and sharing more of me! There are homework involved and a lot of self-evaluation and assessment on my current practices. I hope you all enjoy the changes I've made around here. Tell me if there is more I can do for you in the comments! Hearing from past, present, and future clients can only make Mariel O. Photo better!
All smiles,